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How to Brand Your Book Business

Brand messaging is hard work, after all, you want to a positive brand impression right? Developing the wrong book or business brand can cause your messaging to become lost in translation. Success requires that you raise your voice and clearly articulate your book or business brand message and values by following the 3 C’s of brand messaging: consistency, clarity and character.

1.) Consistency

Social media is a powerful and invaluable marketing weapon to have in your arsenal. Social media connects you with your customers and drives organic traffic to your website. Share unique, quality and valuable content often. Make it compelling and share worthy. Why? Simple, it helps your brand rank better in searches. After all, if no one is engaging with your content or visiting your website how can you convert prospects into long term and loyal customers? 

Quality content gets rewarded. Make sure that you regularly update and keep your content fresh. Be consistent and creative with your content!

Be BOLD and stand out from all the competition.

Sharing quality content on your social media networks gets you more likes, shares and links from other brand websites. These social signals show search engines your brand’s relevancy and boosts your website’s search rankings. The more social signals you have the better!

Your brand messaging should be aligned and consistent and clear universally, not just on your social networks. Everything must work together, in unison: your website, your packaging, your brand logo, your advertising campaigns.

2.) Clarity

It is essential that your brand’s communication is concise, powerful and clear. You want to resonate with your audience to ensure clarity. Don’t be afraid to use language that your audience is using. If you can’t clearly define and communicate your brand message, prepare to lose your customers.

Successful brand communications have a clear, focused, and single message. 

If your brand value is not clear in your messaging, your audience will not comprehend what value you are offering and why you exist. 

Here are four things that a clear message includes:

  • What do you do?
  • What differentiates you from competitors?
  • What is your value proposition?
  • What issues does it solve for your customers and how can you solve it?

3.) Character

Humanize your brand!  Keep it REAL!  Interact with your customers and listen to them. Social media is not a one-way conversation.  Your interactions have to seems as though they are coming from a real, human person. Don’t be afraid to inject a little humor into your brand, though only use humor if it fits your brand’s identity and character.

Connect with your customers and give them authenticity, but remember to always leave them wanting more. As an author, you know how to use storytelling, now, you will use this technique to bring your brand to life and generate higher engagement. Create your brand’s identity by promoting and conveying your brand’s lifestyle through content.  

When sharing your lifestyle, remember to be raw and authentic.  Don’t emulate. A brand that is not honest and true to itself can never be honest to its customers. Being honest and transparent may not get you a lot of customers, but it will certainly get you the right customers.


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